DE222 Honoree: Karryl Hubbard
Title: Secretary
Workplace: Delaware Department of Labor
Alma Maters: Hampton University, Temple University Beasley School of Law
Boards: Delaware Bar Foundation, Brandywine Valley SPCA Advisory Board
Q&A: Best advice for your younger self? “It’s okay to be you. Go be great!”
With 455,500 people working in Delaware, Delaware Labor Secretary Karryl Hubbard is focused on working with stakeholders on how to create more employment and training opportunities for residents. The state Labor Department also handles discrimination and compensation laws, unemployment insurance claims as well as analyzing the labor market data. With the new Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program, Hubbard will also be instrumental in overseeing the regulations as Delaware offers paid leave in 2025. She has previously served as the Director of the Division of Management Support Services for the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth, and Th eir Families, and the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.