DE222 Honoree: Carrie Leishman
Title: President & CEO
Workplace: Delaware Restaurant Association
Alma Mater: Syracuse University
Boards: National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation
Q&A: Favorite thing about Delaware? “I love Delaware’s dining scene – its a melting pot and so diverse. We are lucky to have such an amazing array of dining options in our state! Food is a cultural binding force that brings us together, with restaurants truly serving as the cornerstone and foundations of our communities.”
For 23 years, Carrie Leishman has served as president and CEO of the Delaware Restaurant Association, advocating for more than 2,000 restaurants and their more than 50,000 employees — who together account for Delaware’s largest small business employer and over $2.6 billion in annual sales. During her tenure, she’s overseen the inception of the Delaware Restaurant Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the association responsible for attracting, empowering and advancing the local industry’s workforce. Leishman also is an adjunct professor at the University of Delaware’s hospitality management program.