“The message of good jobs at good wages and a future career offering advancement in a growing company is just not getting through. The trades and manufacturing industries struggle with recruiting qualified, hardworking and trained employees to fill the growing number of positions opening up in Delaware.”
““ Ed Capodanno, President, ABC Delaware
Introducing you to a new magazine aimed at the workforce of tomorrow “”
A Guide to STUFF Made and Built in Delaware.
STUFF will be a cool, interactive magazine and website profiling employers involved in manufacturing and construction showcasing what they make or build, who uses it, and what kinds of jobs/careers there are in each company. This special magazine will be an awareness and recruitment tool for Delaware manufacturers and trades like no other before it.
For more information on how to be a part of STUFF,
Call Fay Steiger, Associate Publisher of Delaware Business Times at 302.656.1837
or email at FSteiger@DelawareBusinessTimes.com
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