Michael Sicuranza

Focus on Good Habits for Your Health and Finances for a Fulfilling Retirement

When we ask our clients to describe their ideal retirement, two of the most common responses are “healthy” and “secure.” In our experience, mo

Did You Inherit Your Beliefs About Money From Your Parents?

Parents know that children hear, see, and pick up on everything that is going on with the adults in their lives. And when you were a child, you were n

3 Considerations to Ensure Your Second Act Career is Fulfilling and Profitable

Your parents and grandparents might have worked at the same company for their entire careers. Today, that kind of longevity is increasingly rare. Some

Health Care “Coverage” in Retirement: Access and Quality Matter as Much as Cost

When health care “coverage” is discussed in the news, the topic usually focuses on cost, affordability and the availability of insurance.But when
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My Labor Day Rituals

I love Labor Day weekend.  It is the last bit of summer fun before the madness of the school/sports schedules take hold fully.  For me, and for most

Missing my Mom and Health Care Decisions

My mother would have been 72 this month. I wrote the article below shortly after she passed. I still think that the advice and resources I discuss are

How Small Business Owners Can Communicate in an Authentic Voice

In my last blog, I wrote about the importance of authenticity in communication, primarily through the act of writing. Many writers feel the process of

5 Next Steps When You Are Concerned About an Aging Parent

As your parents begin to settle into their final phase of life, their health, residence, and finances could become a factor in your retirement plannin
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Small Business Owners Can Learn from Jeff Bezos

One of my pastimes is reading books about the history of companies.  Four or five years ago, I read The Everything Store, which is a book about the f

How to Manage Emotional Baggage around a Favorite Investment

Do any of these stories have a familiar ring to you: You inherited an out sized stock position in a large industrial conglomerate from a grandparent

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