Kathy Canavan

Delaware author’s book adaption returns to Amazon Prime

The television adaption of Delaware author Cindy Callaghan’s book “Just Add Magic” begins its third season on...

Office occupancy up in downtown Wilmington

Financial services, legal, and chemical sectors have helped grow office occupancy in Wilmington's central business district in...

Mall facts to share in the food court

In addition to DBT's feature on the state of indoor malls, here are some talking points from...

Delaware shopping malls could be transformed

"If this doesn't happen, I think it's a certainty that Sears will be gone. As you know,...
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Retailers use social networks to sell, but not the kind you think

While brick-and-mortar brands like Sears and J.C. Penney are on the ropes, a North Wilmington game shop...

Admin pros are in demand, and salaries here can top $59K

Skilled administrative professionals are in demand in Delaware for 2018.Salaries here are 5 percent higher than the...

Delaware art grants are now available

The Delaware Division of the Arts has opened its annual online grant application process for grants for...

This year’s employee bonuses will be higher

Year-end bonuses should be higher this year than last, according to more than half of the senior...
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Residents embrace Harvey Hanna’s plans for Boxwood site

A DNREC brownfield development agreement meeting turned into a Harvey Hanna love fest Thursday night as company...

Delaware’s older drivers better than average

Delaware drivers 65 and older have fewer crashes than the national average and fewer than their peers...

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