Kathy Canavan

Indie bookstores find way to thrive despite you-know-who

The website for a Bethany Beach bookshop refers to Amazon as "that site that shall not be...

Arts Summit helps artists navigate the business side of their craft

When the commercial real estate market tanked in 2008, John Donato found himself unemployed. He had to...

Foodscaping is a New Niche for Garden Centers

Foodscaping has its roots in the square-foot-gardening boom of the late 90s, and grew again as homeowners added edibles to their flower beds to save money.

Words of wisdom from Delaware leaders

By Kathy Canavan  Special to Delaware Business TimesNewspaper articles have dubbed Rebecca Byrd a "superstar lobbyist" and "one...
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State’s top 10 real estate deals in 2018

Interchange Business Park Blackstone, the largest private equity real estate firm in the world, is the new owner...

5 tips: Giving older applicants an edge in job interviews

By Michael Hemphill Guest Columnist 1. If you have gray hair, that’s fine, but you need to have a...

Specializing pays off for these local businesses

Shattered an heirloom soup tureen? There's a niche business in Lewes that can put it back together....

Roy Rogers chain may return to Delaware

Roy Rogers restaurants may return to Delaware, cowpokes.Jim Plamondon, who once chauffeured the cowboy star, bought the...
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2018 Economic Forecast: Real estate & construction

Things may be looking up in real estate and construction for 2018, depending on which county you're...

There’s one chance Wilmington will keep its book shop

The Ninth Street Book Shop, the city's only general interest bookstore, will close January 26, but there's...

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